Slide Webcam Affiliate Marketing> > > Webcam affiliate partner programs are very lucrative and entice with high commissions. How to start with
WEbcam affiliate Marketing
Make money with Webcam Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing in the Webcam branch is particularly lucrative

How to start with Webcam Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, an individual or a company as an affiliate, or publisher, can earn money in the form of commissions by advertising a particular product or service of the provider (merchant or advertiser). For this, the merchant provides appropriate advertising material that the publisher can use on his website or other channels. In our case, this would be the promotion of webcam sites or similar networks. There is a lot of money to be made in affiliate marketing. Webcam sites are particularly lucrative and are more suitable than conventional sites for adults as they convert better. Here we show you everything you need to know to successfully take your first steps in webcam affiliate marketing and how to start with webcam affiliate programs.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an internet-based type of sales in which a provider aims to sell as many of his products or services as possible. In order to achieve this goal, he uses sales partners: so-called affiliates or publishers. Publishers have access to the advertising material that the provider makes available for target achievement. These can be advertising banners, videos, clips, links and more. An affiliate code is integrated in each of these advertising media. This code enables the affiliate partner to be clearly identified with the provider. So he can understand which of his affiliate partners sent the customer to his side and compensate him for it. Depending on the program, the commission is paid for the pure clicks on the advertising material (“Click”), the transmission of qualified customer contacts (“Lead”) or the sale (“Sale”). The affiliate partner is the interface between potential customers and the product provider or merchant.

If a potential customer clicks on an affiliate link, they will be referred directly to the merchant. The affiliate code can be used to assign the customer’s sales to the affiliate partner. This process is called “tracking”. Cookie tracking consequently enables the assignment and traceability of the visitor using a cookie. The cookie is stored on the visitor’s hard drive for a certain time, so that subsequent visits, even if they are delayed, can be recognized and tracked. The cookie method is the most common way to connect a visitor to the affiliate.

Affiliate marketing is generally also possible without the Internet. This, for example, in the form of printed flyers on which the affiliate code is printed and the Pay Per Leads or Pay Per Sales achieved can be correctly assigned.

The participants

Affiliate System-Operators

The affiliate system operator is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the portal. He has to ensure that everything runs smoothly and ensures that it is promoted accordingly. There are basically two types of operators. On the one hand, independent platforms in the form of affiliate networks, which act as an interface between the merchant and the sales partner (publisher). Financial processing, provision and administration of technology is handled by them. On the other hand, there are platforms on which the merchant independently takes on the role of the operator. These are so-called in-house programs.


The advertiser (merchant) provides online services or products via the affiliate system and enables sales partners to advertise these goods on their own websites. For this purpose, affiliates are provided with advertising material with which they can advertise on their website, by email or by setting and sharing links. The merchant pays the publisher a previously defined commission for the successful mediation, depending on the program through a sale, a registration or a website visit.

Sales partner

The sales partner (affiliate, publisher) uses the affiliate system to work with the shop operators (merchants). If the product advertising on their own website leads to a sale at the merchant, the sales partner benefits.

Compensation models

The following models can often be found in ​​webcam affiliate programs:

Pay Per Click (PPC)

This is where the commission for the click on the advertising material is paid, but used less often because the merchant does not yet generate any sales.

Pay Per Lead (PPL)

Here, the visitor has to execute a specific action on the retailer’s side, such as signing up for the newsletter, disclosing data or registering on a platform. The affiliate receives the commission for the successfully executed campaign.

Pay Per Sale (PPS)

If the customer generates sales, the commission is paid. This can be a one-off payment for the first sales generated or for all other sales generated by the customer. This can be for a limited time after the first click or for lifetime. This model is extremely interesting and can mainly be found in the adult affiliate system.

Pay Per SignUp

A sub-category of Pay Per Lead. The customer must register on the site in order to receive the commission.

Revenue-Sharing (RevShare)

With RevShare programs, the sales partner receives a share of the sales generated. As with the PPS, this can be a one-off payment or it can be extended to all the sales that the customer generates. The latter is more common in the webcam affiliate. Either for a certain time (like 1 year) or for lifetime. It is advisable to rely on lifetime models, because you will achieve a good, sustainable source of income.


Under a white label site you can sell the products or services of the original site under a different name, on a different domain and in a customized design. This variant is very common in the webcam affiliate sector. For example, you can limit yourself to a certain category of live cam performers and address a defined target group. (Niche)

Earning potential in Webcam Affiliate Marketing

The affiliate market is incredibly large. Your earning potential is correspondingly high. However, not everyone manages to be successful in the affiliate business. This work is performance based. You don’t get a wage or salary. If you can’t get customers and don’t get successful mediations, you won’t get any money. High traffic is accordingly important. The greater the traffic on your site, the more potential customers are exposed to your advertising. The chances of successful sales increase with the size of your traffic.

What is realistic? We’ll let numbers speak at this point. This using the example of BongaCash:


Verdienstmöglichkeiten Webcam Affiliate bei BongaCams
Earings of the top Affiliates at BongaCams and of april 2020


These numbers are pretty impressive. Most of the time, the webmasters are also active in other affiliate programs, which is why these amounts represent only a partial sum of their total earnings. There is still a long way to go before you can make it into the top ten. Better set your expectations significantly lower. These numbers are only intended to illustrate what is basically possible. Orientation towards the top is certainly not a wrong tactic. But this goal is far away! Therefore set yourself small stage goals so that you can celebrate enough small successes on the way there!

How to start with Webcam Affiliate Marketing

Now you have learned a few terms that will help you to gain a basic understanding. But that’s not all. You should put your acquired knowledge into action and always develop it further. If you already have a website, check which programs are the best to apply for. We have already put together some partner programs for you that might fit to your needs. We currently recommend the three programs below. Simply because these sites currently have the highest traffic and are the most popular, which makes it easier to profit from.

Affiliate operators and their programs:

BongaCams PPL, RevShare, Whitelabel
Flirt4Free PPL, RevShare, Whitelabel, PPS
Chaturbate PPL, RevShare, Whitelabel
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